This week has proved to be especially challenging. Just when I thought I had crushed this morning sickness, runny nose/cold, back aching, constantly tired phase of my pregnancy, something else has reared its ugly head. It's called TOO MUCH ENERGY. And no it's not because of caffeine. My energy during the day is like drinking 10 Red Bulls, but without the crash! It's like my heart is going to beat out of my chest 24/7. I'm not sure if it's anxiety or what but it sure is disturbing. To make matters even worse, when I do finally fall asleep I almost always have to get up to weewee and then I'm up for the rest of the night. What is up with that?!!! I'm not sure I have ever experienced something like this in a natural state.
Another thing I'm noticing is my dream cycle. It's not very normal whatsoever (well neither am I), but to have rapid dreams where you partially wake up after each dream is not cool. Each dream makes complete sense. They are not dreams that I've heard about of leaving my child unsupervised, but a series of dreams that replay my real life incidents, they just have a different twist to them. I wonder what the heck that means.
And this metallic taste in my mouth has got to go away. I feel like I've been gnawing on aluminum foil for several hours. Not very pleasant. I've learned that sour and citrus foods help with this so I'm downing OJ like it's no one's biz.
I can't whine too much as I have the honor of carrying one of God's beautiful miracles and to be honest with you it hasn't been bad at all. If this is all He's got for me then I'll be genuinely disappointed. Bring it.
So what's our little one up to these next two weeks? Goob is about 3.2 to 4.5 inches from crown to rump and weighs approximately 1 ounce now and is about the size of my fist. The face is becoming more and more developed; eyes moving closer together, ears moving up into position away from the neck, the cheeks and bridge of nose appear, if it's a baby boy, the prostate will appear and the ovaries descend from the abdomen into the pelvis in baby girls.
We sometimes get so caught up in the little things like baby names or the cutest clothes and decorations to buy or who it will look like that we don't appreciate the many blessings that are happening each passing hour. It's just amazing.